Saturday, May 7, 2011

Celebrating Nanay Tessie

We all have something in mind that reminds us of our mothers—whether it is the smell of her perfume, her laughter or the way she prepares a meal. For me, it is my mom’s words of consolation and motivation.

“Don’t let it bring you down. However long the night, the dawn will break.”
“Everything happens for a reason.”
"You can do better than that."

Long before modern day life coaches have found ways to exploit these lines, I have heard those words come out of my mom's lips for a good number of times. Not as hollow expressions she would indiscriminately say, but rather as standby guarantees spoken at a time when I badly needed a shot of inspiration. Once in a long while I wise up and learn but most of the time the words passed one ear and out the other. Mom's real objective behind the encouragements would not sink in on me. Thankfully she is a patient teacher. She knew seriously well that good things come to those who wait. More and more masterful advices continued to pour in as days stretched into years. Sometimes by the buckets, other times in trickles.

“Don’t be anything less than everything you can be. 
"Pay little attention to critics.” 
"Tell me your friends and I'll tell you who you are."
“Insecurity stems from not knowing yourself.”
“You have what it takes to be what you want.”

And so when the clouds of youth stupidity finally cleared, in full view before me was a revelation that those words of wisdom were actually instruments designed to lead me down the path of self-awareness. Where my mom drew the faith that someday all these will make sense to me is purely mother’s instinct. The objective to introduce a son to his inner-self—where strength of character resides— was finally achieved. Much later, a hit song by singer Mariah Carey brought into currency her concept to a wider audience. "Hero" became more than just a song played on the radio. That song's lyrics mirror the centerpiece of mom's impact on me. She owns the copyright over those loving reminders... at least in my heart.

So to my nanay Tessie on this Mother’s Day 2011: I thank you for giving me your trust even before I have worked on earning it. Your commitment to motherhood’s daunting responsibilities is a testimony of your greatness and endearing charm.
To hear the Mariah Carey song over again. Just click here.