Sunday, February 17, 2008

Did I Create a Monster?

Way back when earning a living was a lot easier, I gave birth, and sort of pampered, a consuming hobby: Collecting 33 1/3 rpm Long Playing records.
I was a voracious music listener back then that I can't recall a time I've refused to listen to anything including strange, new or old, hip or uncool type of music. If my turntable can play it, I will give it a try.
Many years later, my eldest son also got into the hobby. He started growing his own rock & pop LP collection. When the time for me to work overseas has come, I lost track of how my collection was stored. Some of the titles in my collection had sought refuge in my son's collection. While the unfortunate ones, bit the dust with their sleeves rotten and grooves badly beaten. I remember sort of being emotionally affected with what happened to them, but consoled myself into thinking they have lived their lifespan. I then peacefully thanked them for the musical memories.
About a couple of months back, my son excitedly emailed me a database of his CD collection (which you may find here). That's when I uttered the words: Did I Create a Monster? Tsk-tsk-tsk...

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